Event Waste Management Services
Event Waste Management Services
Festivals and events can generate large amounts of waste as patrons indulge and relax normal waste disposal behaviours. They can also be an opportunity for awareness raising, education and behavioural change. Events often last for just a few days a year which limits flexibility to adjust processes and identify issues in waste generation and disposal pathways. Implementing proper waste management can provide environmental and financial benefits through increased recycling and composting rates and reducing landfill waste.
With years of experience assessing sites, auditing waste and developing zero waste strategies for Tasmanian events, JustWaste links our operational experience with strategic skills to offer services including:
Pre-event planning
Zero waste strategies through avoidance and diversion
A zero waste strategy will look at your event holistically, investigate the quantity and composition of waste creation and identify where avoidance and diversion strategies can be implemented. Further, it will provide steps for achieving zero waste over a set timeline including key performance indicators ensuring that success is measured and achieved.
Reusable cups, plates and scullery system
It is never too late to start the change. Before your next event, you may want help looking into types of reusable cups/plates and have some assistance looking into scullery systems for small and large events. We provide cost and benefit analysis as well as experience with different options for cups/packaging and washing systems.
Stallholder engagement, standards and education
If you are contemplating adding an organic waste service you may want to explore common issues around contamination and find out how to make sorting easy for patrons. We have experience in how to engage stallholders in waste management and know how to work with them around packaging selection. Stallholders often provide the main face-to-face opportunities for direct education with patrons regarding materials and disposal pathways, so having your stallholders on board is key.
We also provide education strategies around litter minimisation including key messages before, during and after the event.
During event
Operational planning
Harnessing your knowledge of the event site layout and crowd flow, we can help with planning around locations and types of services as well as back-of-house service provision and sorting.
Operational staff provision and collection service arrangements
We can train your staff or provide our skilled and experienced waste management staff to check and collect bins from the site and ensure back-of-house sorting and contamination levels are managed appropriately.
We can also organise your collection contacts including types and size of skips and site bins and suitable times for collection, ensuring the most competitive rates.
Post Festival
Site clean up
Ideally, with a zero waste strategy and successful education planning, the clean-up operation shouldn’t be an ordeal. However, we also provide a continued service with staff to follow through their roles and ensure your site is as clean as it was before the event.
Auditing, reporting and improvement suggestions
If you want to start to measure your waste management performance, we suggest beginning some system of audit or assessment of the waste created. We audit, analyse and provide you with the data and a written report of your performance complete with recommendations for improvement to keep on track for your zero waste strategy or for improving your waste management more broadly.